November 8 - 11th / Coromandel, New Zealand
2018 Authentic Movement Retreat
This 4 days retreat will deepen your embodiment, develop your movement analysis skills, increase mindful and bodyful awareness, develop your creativity, reflective and therapeutic skills — both personally and professionally. The retreat develops through three different overlapping phases; first deepening your practice as a mover, then developing witnessing skills, and further articulating and practicing verbal interventions, therapeutic holding, evaluating and structuring options for different therapeutic situations.
Facilitated by Connor Kelly, with Anne Hurst
Location: Te Moata, Tairua, Coromandel, New Zealand - Duration: Thursday dinner 6.pm - Sunday lunch (1-2.pm)
Throughout our lives we long to be seen in our wholeness. Daniel Seigel suggests we “...not only want to be seen, we want to feel felt.”
Authentic Movement is a simple yet profound process between a Mover and a Witness. The Mover closes eyes and follows inner impulses. Listening deeply to inner stirrings the mover brings un/preconscious material through the body into consciousness. The Witness sits eyes open and tracks their own experience in relation to the mover and notices their projections, interpretations and judgements. The Witness holds the consciousness or container particularly in the beginning. The Mover is developing their Inner Witness while the Witness develops their inner Mover.
This retreat will offer the opportunity to deepen and glimpse into the full evolution of the form. The opening session will explore the role as a mover developing deep listening while moving in the presence of a non-judgmental witness. Dyadic and Triadic structures will follow so that the witness role develops. The final collective circles, the breath circle and the long circle will illustrate how the form evolves fluidly into an organic ritual that holds the totality of our Human Experience. Both our wounds and healing come through relationship. Authentic Movement is a practice that addresses multiple levels of relationship, self, other and collective.
VENUE: Te Moata Retreat Centre, Tairua, Coromandel, New Zealand
DURATION: 8th - 11th November 2018. Starts Thursday evening, dinner 6.pm and ends Sunday lunchtime 1-2.pm
COST: $465 per person . Food and Board inclusive (Early Bird - $50 deposit before 1st June 2018).
Discount for DTAA or CTAA members. Email Connor for details.
There is a $10 surcharge per day for special dietary requirements (vegan or gluten free) and $15 linen costs for the whole retreat extra.
To guarantee your spot, please email Connor Kelly at
Your name and 2018 NZ AM retreat as reference
We would like to know what is your experience with Authentic Movement, what are the dietary needs , etc... Please drop us an email so we can arrange in advance.
Connor and Anne